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  Things We're Afraid to Say: Webs of Everyday Media     
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007  12:00AM PDT)
From: Send an Instant Message "John French" <mosshead7@yahoo.com>  
Subject: Rachel Vs. Eddie Vedder _ Request for Guest
To: redeye@foxnews.com
...... almost as more of an experiment as to see how Rachel would conduct herself, I would really like to see Eddie Vedder as a guest on your show ...... Actually, for your show, I believe Eddie Vedder would be the ultimate guest on your show - similarily as to how Jerry Garcia told Guitar Player Mag back in the late 60's or so that he atributes the sound of the Dead and his particular contribution to being able to provide guitar playing that goes against "the grain" as to what the rest of the band happens to be currentlty playing at that moment - thus, providing a rich fabric for the musical tapestry -
and, in this respect, I know Eddie Vedder would make your best guest for the show - as well as I really do want to see how Rachel would conduct herself in this situation - This is my ultimate request for a guest and may be considered the best TV I would ever see in my lifetime -
yeah, so I will always think you're lame if you cannot make this happen -
Best of the Roses,
John French    mystrawhat.com
Things We're Afraid to Say: Webs of Everyday Media
StrawHat Productions


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Poetry  By John Alan Conte`, Jr.
Copyright 2007
  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or  transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or  otherwise, without prior written permission of John Alan Conte Jr.