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  Things We're Afraid to Say: Webs of Everyday Media     
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007  12:00AM PDT)
From: Send an Instant Message "John French" <mosshead7@yahoo.com>  
Subject: Page Hopkins
To: friends@foxnews.com
Dear Fox & Friends (producers behind the scenes):

Page Hopkins is awesome.

Page is a very dynamic personality. She's way hot, sharp, articulate, intelligent, empowered, engaging, funny and she's "alive."
She's not your typical "talking head" / "programmed robot" that comes across on most national NEWS programs that try and be high-brow or cheesy, just horrible local NEWS programming that tries to be legitimate and high-brow.
I love seeing Page ad-lib like she did yesterday rubbing that lucky winner's shoulders and chest - who won last year for the breakfast w/ Fox & Friends - And, this morn that's great how she was jumping on Brian's lap.
That's what I like to see - some action! ...Some spontaneity! ...So we all know we're fucking alive and not programmed robots and inside some categorized box!
Page is awesome.
She's one of the reasons I'm doing a Top 35 now - because I didn't know her status within FNC and the bio didn't reflect an "active" status so I took the likes of Page and Lauren Green off the 25 list which I didn't want to do because I dig them.


Best of the Roses,
John French    mystrawhat.com
Things We're Afraid to Say: Webs of Everyday Media
StrawHat Productions


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Poetry  By John Alan Conte`, Jr.
Copyright 2007
  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or  transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or  otherwise, without prior written permission of John Alan Conte Jr.